Channel - Patient Centered Care (PCC) Telehealth Webinars
2/13/2025 5:12:25 PM
Channel Videos
Addressing the Needs of Breast Cancer Patients Ages 70 and Older - H. Muss - 20160210
This lecture will discuss the complexities of the older Breast Cancer patient helping to compose a plan of action to manage metastic disease. Dr. Muss will also assess the risks and benefits of adjuvant systemic therapy.
Learning Outcomes:
• Discuss the complexities of the older patient in regard to defining patient function and life
• Evaluate and define the goals of therapy as well as assess the risks and benefits of adjuvant
systemic therapy.
• Compose a plan of action for helping to manage metastatic disease in elderly breast cancer
This lecture was presented as a part of the RN and Allied Health Series
Hy Muss MD
2/10/2016 4:30:00 PM
An Introduction to Cancer Registry operations - I. Zipple - 20220914
This presentation will be a detailed explanation of key cancer registry functions and highlight the data it contains.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
9/14/2022 3:30:00 PM
Breast Imaging Technologies: Cancer Detection & Personalized Medicine - C. Kuzmiak - 20180613
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the world. There is no preventable cause for the disease. Consequently, our best means for detection and saving lives is with screening. This lecture will focus on essential advances in breast imaging and cancer detection.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
6/13/2018 3:30:00 PM
C.A.R.E Behind the Chair-CANCER-AWARENESS-RESPONSIBILITY - D. Ollila, N. Thomas and A. Saccone - 20160523
Nancy Thomas MD
5/23/2016 3:30:00 PM
Cancer Related Pain Management From a Palliative Care Perspective C. Kelly - 20221012
This lecture will provide a review of opioid and nonopioid treatment options for cancer related pain. This presentation will address patients with cancer and substance use disorder and also cancer patients that are in remission, but still present with persistent pain.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
10/12/2022 3:30:00 PM
CAR T Cell Immunotherapy for Lymphoma & Leukemia - T. Shea - 20160608
Dr. Thomas Shea, MD discusses the biology behind the use of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) for T cell Immunotherapy, including current indications and general results.
Learning Outcomes:
• Explain biology behind the use of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)-T Cell Immunotherapy.
• Describe the current indications for CAR-T cell therapy.
• Discuss the general results with CAR-T cell therapy.
This lecture was presented as a part of the Medical and Surgical Oncology Lecture Series and the RN and Allied Health Lectures.
Thomas Shea MD, Director of the UNC Cancer Network
6/8/2016 3:30:00 PM
Caring for Older Adults with Cancer: Who, When, Where, Why, and How? - T. Jolly - 20170712
Age is the single most important risk factor for developing cancer and the incidence of most human cancers increases with advancing age. Older adults frequently have co-morbidities, functional and psychosocial deficits which may impact cancer care. This lecture discuss the effect of aging on patients with cancer and reviews of the use of simple geriatric assessment tools in oncology. Case studies are shared to illustrate how such tools can be used to guide medical decision making for these patients who often have co-morbidities and functional and/or psychosocial deficits.
Learning Outcomes:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the value of geriatric assessment in the care of older cancer patients.
• Incorporate geriatric assessment in routine care of older adults with cancer.
• Utilize geriatric assessment and principles to guide interventions which may improve the
health outcomes in older cancer patients.
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture Series.
Trevor Jolly MBBS
7/12/2017 3:30:00 PM
Delivering Survivorship Care in North Carolina - D. Mayer - 20200513
An aging population, a growing number of cancer survivors, and a projected shortage of cancer care providers will result in a challenge in delivering the care for cancer survivors in the United States if systemic changes are not made, according to a commentary in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Mayer will discuss these issues with particular consideration to providing cancer survivorship care in North Carolina.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
5/13/2020 3:30:00 PM
Disparities in Breast Cancer: A Biology, Health Services and Solutions Story - K. Hayes and S. Wheeler - 20190109
This seminar will review the epidemiology of breast cancer disparities and cost of care of a potential determinant of differentiated access to and outcomes of care. We will conclude with potential solutions and future research opportunities.
Katherine Reeder- Hayes MD,MBA,MSCR
1/9/2019 4:30:00 PM
Doing Better Together: Improving Cancer Care for People with Incarceration Histories - A. Knittel - 20241009
Andrea Knittel, MD, PhD will introduce the epidemiology of cancer in prisons and jails, describe the massive cancer health disparities that are created and exacerbated by the criminal legal system, and inspire action to improve cancer care for patients impacted by the criminal legal system.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
10/9/2024 3:00:00 PM
ePROs Monitoring in Thoracic Surgery and Oncology Patients - G. Mody - 20230712
Symptom burden is high in thoracic surgery and oncology patients. This webinar will look at the role of electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) remote monitoring systems to improve patients' survivorship care.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
7/12/2023 3:30:00 PM
Fluorouracil (5-FU) Toxicities and Strategies for Management - A. Faso - 20180110
Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a relatively unique drug in oncology because administration in different doses and schedules results in dramatically different patterns of qualitative toxicity. This presentation will discuss the hematologic, skin, and GI toxicities along with strategies for management.
Aimee Faso PharmD,BCOP,CPP
1/10/2018 4:30:00 PM
Handling Difficult Situations & Conversations with Patients - D. Zolnoun - 20160113
Properly communicating with patients regarding their care and needs plays a vital role in their recovery. Become familiar with different type of difficult situations when dealing with patients including social, personal, and medical and how to develop your own successful style.
Learning Outcomes:
• Become familiar with the types of difficult situations: social vs. personal vs. medical
• Gain insight into your own perceptions/comfort, and how it affects your ability to meet your
objective of addressing patients' needs
• Gain confidence in developing your individual style
This lecture was presented as a part of the RN and Allied Health Lectures
Denniz Zolnoun MD, MPH
1/13/2016 4:30:00 PM
Helping Patients With Breast Cancer - K. Harrell - 20190612
This lecture touches on various topics important in helping breast cancer patients. We’ll discuss early detection, risk factors, diagnoses, treatment, and survivorship as well as breast cancer treatment modalities, including hormone inhibitors. Some patients will might want information about plastic surgery (breast reconstruction), and tips on using cryotherapy for prevention of peripheral neuropathy.
Katharine Harrell, NP-C
6/12/2019 3:30:00 PM
Immunotherapy 101 - P. Armistead - 20180912
This lecture will review the mechanisms by which the immune system in controlling both infections and cancer as well as strategies cancers have for evading effective immune responses and progressing. The lecture will also discuss the different types of currently available cancer immunotherapy treatments, their mechanisms of action and their potential side effects. — RN and Allied Health lectures offer FREE CNE and ASRT continuing education credit (upon approval) for eligible participants.
Paul Armistead MD
9/12/2018 3:30:00 PM
Late Effects of Cancer Treatment: Managing Cardiac Toxicity - B. Jensen - 20170208
This presentation discusses cardiovascular disease in cancer patients and will focus on cardiac toxicity related to specific cancer treatments. The presentation will also provide an overview of current strategies for prevention, recognition, and management of cardiac toxicity in this patient population.
Lecture Objectives:
-Recognize that a history of cancer constitutes a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
-Describe the potential cardiovascular complications of radiation therapy.
-Recall the potential cardiovascular complications of anthracyclines and targeted therapies, such as kinase inhibitors.
This lecture was presented as a part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture Series.
Brian Jensen MD
2/8/2017 4:30:00 PM
Making Exercise and Wellness Part of The Cancer Experience - C. Bailey & B. Castrogivanni - 20210414
This lecture will provide education on the safety and benefit of exercise during and after cancer treatment, resources that we have available at UNC and how you can help your patients implement exercise and wellness behaviors during and after their treatment.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
4/14/2021 3:30:00 PM
Management of Malignant Pain in the Era of an Opioid Epidemic - M. D. Keiser - 20170913
This presentation reviews strategies for managing pain in an oncology setting while considering risk factors for opioid abuse and addiction. Information also provides a review of the pathophysiology and types of pain as well as opioid and non-opioid pain management options for oncology patients.
Lecture Objectives:
• Review the pathophysiology of pain.
• Explain the mechanisms of action of opioid and non-opioid analgesics.
• Compare and contrast characteristics of analgesics and their place in therapy.
• Recognize risk factors for opioid misuse.
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture Series.
Meredith D. Keisler PharmD
9/13/2017 3:30:00 PM
Medical Marijuana: It's HIGH Time to Talk - A. Benner - 20180509
In recent years, the public and lawmakers have recognized the benefits of using marijuana as part of a treatment plan for patients with difficult diseases to manage. For example, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy find that medical marijuana diminishes nausea and can stimulate appetite. This presentation provides an overview of the complex history of medical marijuana and the current applications of its use.
Alisha Benner MD
5/9/2018 3:30:00 PM
Mind-Body Therapies for Management of Cancer Symptoms and Treatment Effects - R. Campo - 20160511
This lecture will discuss how cancer survivors use mind-body therapies for managing treatment effects, its success rates, and the evidence behind it.
Learning Outcomes:
• Describe mind-body therapies within the scope of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
• Examine cancer survivors’ use of mind-body therapies.
• Discuss use of evidence-based mind-body therapies for managing treatment effects
This lecture was presented as a part of the RN and Allied Health Lectures.
Rebecca Campo PhD
5/11/2016 3:30:00 PM
Oncologic Emergencies - J. Stein - 20240313
Jacob Stein, MD, MPH, will review several of the most common medical emergencies that arise when caring for patients with cancer. We will highlight key aspects of presentation, diagnosis and management, with pearls for clinicians along the way.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
3/13/2024 3:00:00 PM
Oral Chemotherapy: Overcoming the Challenge to Adherence - B. Muluneh - 20170412
As an increasing number of oral chemotherapy agents are being used, it is essential to understand the barriers that patients may face. This presentation discusses some of these barriers and offers advice for dealing with and overcoming them. The presented information details the dimensions of adherence, specifically in the context of the use of oral chemotherapy agents. Evidence-based strategies for assessing and improving adherence to oral chemotherapy, from health care system, plan of care and patient-level perspectives are provided.
Lecture Objectives:
-Discuss the shift from intravenous to oral chemotherapy over the past few decades.
-Define the various dimensions of adherence.
-Describe ways to manage patients who are non-adherent to oral chemotherapy.
-Identify areas to advocate for legislation that can improve access to oral chemotherapy.
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture Series.
Benyam Muluneh PharmD, CPP
4/12/2017 3:30:00 PM
Outcomes Focused: Perioperative Management of Cancer Patients - D. L. James - 20181212
The talk discusses perioperative pain management techniques that can be utilized to decrease post-operative pain as well as development of chronic postoperative pain among cancer patients.
For continuing education credits for this and other lectures, please visit our Learning Portal at
Dominika L James MD
12/12/2018 4:30:00 PM
Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) in Cancer Care - A. M. Stover - 20200708
Dr. Angela Stover will discuss Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) reporting within the oncology setting. PRO reporting involves receiving information directly from patients and permit healthcare professionals to treat the whole patient through personal assessments of symptoms and of daily health status. She will emphasize PROs outside the clinic and will then report on the pilot ePRO rollout at UNC Health Care (where PROs are collected in the clinic).
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
7/8/2020 3:30:00 PM
Personalized Medicine in the Clinic - J. G. Olson - 20160914
This lecture introduces personalized medicine, the use of molecular tumor boards and how they affect molecular testing. There is also discussion of molecularly selective trails (also known as “basket trials”).
Learning Outcomes:
• Discuss personalized medicine/precision medicine.
• Describe molecular tumor boards and how they affect molecular testing.
• Explain molecularly selective trials (also known as "basket trials").
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Series.
Juneko Grilley-Olson MD
9/14/2016 3:30:00 PM
Pesticide Protective Behavior in Agriculture: A Cancer Prevention Strategy - A. Walton - 20170809
This presentation provides information to increase health care providers' knowledge of occupational cancer, specifically in regards to pesticide exposures among the Latino migrant population in NC. Information is provided about interventions to improve adherence to pesticide protective behaviors, unique characteristics of migrant and seasonal worker populations, and the importance of clinical documenting occupational exposures for cancer prevention research.
Lecture Objectives:
• Describe actual versus self-reported pesticide protective behaviors of Latino migrant and seasonal farmworkers in NC.
• Describe social considerations that are unique to Latino migrant and seasonal farmworkers undergoing cancer treatment in NC.
• Discuss the important of clinical documentation of occupational exposures to research.
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture Series.
AnnMarie Walton PhD,MPH,RN,OCN, CHES
8/9/2017 3:25:00 PM
Pet Therapy in Oncology - L. Filip - 20220112
Lyn Filip, RN, BSN, will provide an introduction into the benefits of Pet Therapy in a clinical oncology setting.
The presentation will include certification process, training, policies and the story of "Herbie the Therapy Basset."
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
1/12/2022 4:30:00 PM
Professional Development and Continuing Education for Oncology Nurses - C. Gillet - 20190911
This lecture includes a review of professional development guidelines for Oncology Nurses, including education requirements for the State of North Carolina Board of Nursing. Claire Gillett will review favorite places to receive continuing education credits, as well as the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center’s/UNC Cancer Network’s RN education program and our 2019 schedule and list of topics.
Claire Gillett, RN, MSN, OCN
9/11/2019 3:30:00 PM
Prostate Cancer Screening - M. Bjurlin and M. Crabtree - 20190508
The most common non-skin cancer among men in the U.S., prostate cancer can be difficult to catch early. With this lecture, we will talk about screening methods, such as MRI and MRI- ultrasound targeted fusion biopsy as a risk stratification tool for men at risk for prostate cancer. For men who undergo radiation treatment, we will also touch on which ones might consider utilizing SpaceOAR® Hydrogel. We will also discuss the nurse's role in prostate cancer screening and care.
Marc Bjurlin DO,MSc,FACOS
5/8/2019 3:30:00 PM
Providing Thoughtful Care to Transgender Patients with Cancer - L. Dagenhart & P. Morfeld - 01082025
Lee Dagenhart, RN, BSN, and Pati Morfeld, RN, BSN, OCN, will discuss providing thoughtful care for transgender patients going through oncology treatment.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
1/8/2025 6:30:00 PM
Psychiatric Medications: I am not a prescriber, what do I need to know? - K. Lavin - 20171011
This presentation discusses psychiatric care of patients with cancer. Information presented reviews special considerations for this patient population, including the key features of depression in advanced cancer, drug-to-drug interactions, and side effects of treatment.
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture Series.
Kyle Lavin MD, MPH
10/11/2017 3:30:00 PM
Public Health Approaches to HPV Prevention - R. P. Urrutia - 20160713
This lecture explains the health consequences of HPV and how it is transmitted and provides information on how the HPV vaccine prevents HPV disease. There is also discussion of evidence-based public health interventions that are used to reduce HPV disease.
• Explain the health consequences of HPV and how it is transmitted.
• Illustrate how the HPV vaccine prevents HPV disease.
• Describe other evidence-based public health interventions used to reduce HPV Disease
This lecture was presented as a part of the RN and Allied Health Series.
Rachel Peragallo Urrutia MD
7/13/2016 3:30:00 PM
Safe Use of Dietary Supplements in Cancer Patients - A. Corbett - 20200909
Amanda Corbett, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, will discuss recommendations regarding the use of supplements in patients with cancer. Safe use of THC and CBD will also be presented.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
9/9/2020 3:30:00 PM
Safety Considerations When Managing Dietary Supplements in Cancer Care - J. Hill - 20190213
Jacob Hill’s main area of focus is integrative medicine and oncology. This lecture will cover various safety considerations regarding the combination of dietary supplements (herbal medicines, nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, etc.) and conventional cancer treatment. The lecture will discuss herb/drug interactions, mechanism interactions, food/drug interactions, as well as health systems and health behavior considerations. This lecture is intended to assist oncology providers in discussing dietary supplements with their patients and supporting the safe management of dietary supplements in cancer care.
Jacob Hill ,ND,MS
2/13/2019 4:30:00 PM
Survivorship Care Planning - Beyond Standard 3.3 - D. K. Mayer - 20180808
Survivorship is defined as one who remains alive and continues to function during and after overcoming a serious hardship or life-threatening disease. In cancer, a person is considered to be a survivor from the time of diagnosis until the end of life. This session will review the definition and attributes of being a survivor, what we know about survivors and their needs throughout their cancer journey. Survivorship care planning implications to meet these needs will be described and discussed.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
8/8/2018 3:30:00 PM
The Aging Cancer Patient Population in North Carolina - H. B. Muss - 20201111
Dr. Hyman Muss will discuss recommendations related to specific needs of older patients with cancer. Updates will be presented regarding the implementation of the geriatric assessment into routine cancer care, as well as management strategies that are identified based on the results of the geriatric assessment.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
11/11/2020 4:30:00 PM
The Evidence Base for Integrative Approaches to Cancer Care - G. Asher - 20171206
This presentation focuses on the evidence that supports use of complimentary and alternative medicine approaches in caring for patients with cancer. The content will review several integrative oncology strategies that are proven safe and effective with conventional medicine approaches, and will review patterns of complimentary and alternative medicine use among cancer patients.
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify terms and therapies associated with complementary and alternative medicine.
• Describe the patterns of CAM therapy use within the cancer population.
• Identify evidence-based CAM therapies for oncology.
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture series.
Gary Asher MD, MPH
12/6/2017 4:30:00 PM
The importance of an integrated emotional support program for physicians and providers: How do we take care of our own? - M. Brody - 20180207
Please join the UNC Cancer Network for an online telehealth presentation with Samantha Meltzer-Brody MD, MPH. Provider burnout and compassion fatigue can impact both personal health and professional performance. This presentation will discuss multiple strategies at the personal and system level that can be employed to mitigate the symptoms and move toward prevention.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
2/7/2018 4:30:00 PM
The Many Roads of Esophageal Cancer: Treatments, Side Effects and Common Complications - S. Arora and K. Ferrell - 20190814
Esophageal cancer can be especially difficult for patients, since it directly affects their ability to swallow. The discussion will include HER 2 NEU testing for esophageal cancer as well as how to help patients who have esophagogastretomies. We will also talk about nutritional support for these patients.
Shifali Arora MD
8/14/2019 3:30:00 PM
The Power of Teamwork: Navigating Patients with Complex Needs - J. Webb and A. DePue - 20170614
This presentation discussed the critical role of teamwork in oncology as it relates to improving patient-centered care and outcomes. In includes a review strategies for teamwork to address the complex needs of oncology patients, specifically patient navigation and education.
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify key players in oncology team working to streamline patient care.
• Identify evidence-based practice in patient centered care to assist patients, families, and caregivers in expectations of cancer care.
• Identify the role of navigation as it differs from social work.
• Identify education directed toward: improving side effect management for chemotherapy patients, disease specific care, and discussion of end-of-life care without removing hope or altering patient quality of life.
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture Series.
Jacquelyne Webb RN, BSN, OCN
6/14/2017 3:30:00 PM
The Role of Pallative Care and Hospice Care in Improving Quality of Life - G. Winzelberg - 20171108
This presentation discusses the commonalities and distinctions of palliative care and hospice services, including a review of evidence demonstrating its impact on quality of life. The content clarifies eligibility guidelines, benefits, and barriers to these services and will give recommendations on addressing concerns regarding these services with patients and families.
Learning Outcomes:
-Discuss the historical developments associated with the development of hospice and palliative care services.
-Identify the common features and distinctions between hospice and palliative care.
-Describe the evidence demonstrating the impact of palliative care on the quality of life for seriously ill patients.
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture Series.
Gary Winzelberg MD, MPH
11/8/2017 4:30:00 PM
The Role of Patient Support Networks in Cancer OutComes - J. M. Yopp - 20200212
Dr. Justin Yopp will discuss the role of social support in cancer care delivery and cancer outcomes. As part of this presentation, Dr. Yopp will also discuss considerations related to caregivers and to patients who do not have immediate caregiver support.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
2/12/2020 4:30:00 PM
Therapeutic Management of Lymphedema - V. W. Collins & A. Cobia - 20230208
Valerie W. Collins, PT, CLT-LANA and Amber Cobia, PT, DPT, CLT will introduce the audience to the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system, who is at risk of developing lymphedema, and therapeutic interventions for both mild and severe cases of lymphedema.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
2/8/2023 4:30:00 PM
Tobacco Use Treatment in Cancer Care - C. Meyer and E. Ruebush - 20191113
Patients who stop using tobacco have improved cancer treatment outcomes and decreased treatment-related side effects, making tobacco use treatment an essential component of cancer care. This lecture will present evidence-based treatment for tobacco use, including guidelines for brief intervention and for prescribing tobacco cessation medications.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
11/13/2019 8:00:00 PM
Understanding Oncology Drug Interactions - K. P. Morgan - 20181010
The narrow therapeutic index of oncology drugs makes understanding drug interactions critical for the safe and effective treatment of cancer patients. Small changes in the pharmacodynamics or pharmacokinetics of the drug can decrease efficacy or increase toxicity of the cancer drug potentially causing harm to patients during treatment.
Katherine Morgan, PharmD
10/10/2018 3:30:00 PM
Understanding the Pivotal Role of Nursing in Clinical Trials - K. Keller - 20170510
This presentation provides information to health professionals is to enhance understanding of clinical trials in cancer care. Information is given to describe clinical trials, how to find clinical trials, and how to support patients who are participating in a clinical trial.
Lecture Objectives:
-Discuss how clinical trials can provide benefit to patients diagnosed with cancer.
-Explain what nurses and other health care providers can do to help patients who might be considering a clinical trial.
-Describe safety measures that you can take for your patients who are participating on a clinical trial.
This lecture was presented as part of the RN and Allied Health Lecture Series.
Kim Keller RN, MSN, OCN
5/10/2017 3:30:00 PM
Updates on Management of Early-Stage Breast Cancer - Y. Abdou - 20240410
Yara Abdou, MD, will delve into various aspects of early breast cancer, covering an overview of the epidemiological landscape of early-stage breast cancer, current screening guidelines, various subtypes of breast cancer and an overview of latest treatment strategies early breast cancer. The webinar will conclude with a focus on post-treatment surveillance and follow-up care for early breast cancer survivors.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
4/10/2024 3:00:00 PM
Using Genetics and Genomics for Cancer Risk Identification - J. O'Daniel - 20170111
This lecture discusses clinical cancer genetics, including appropriate ordering of genetic tests, management of patients with genetic mutations, and recognition of high risk families and familial cancer syndromes. This presentation will also discuss the genetics associated with several hereditary cancers, including breast, ovarian, and colon cancers, Lynch Syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis, and others.
Learning Outcomes:
• Differentiate the purpose and implications for tumor (somatic) versus hereditary (germline) genetic testing.
• Recognize typical indicators for hereditary cancer risk in terms of personal and family history.
• Describe several benefits to learning about the presence of a hereditary cancer syndrome in terms of treatment as well as for screening and prevention.
This lecture was presented as a part of the RN and Allied Health Series.
Julianne O'Daniel MS, CGC
1/11/2017 4:30:00 PM
Working with LEP Patients & Medical Interpreters - M. Peereboom - 20191009
Sometimes patients and their families have problems working with physicians and nurses because of language barriers. Myriam Peereboom, MBA/MHA, CMI, CHITM, will discuss the role(s) that an interpreter plays within the treatment plan as well as their modes and methods of conveying information back and forth. She will also share the importance in utilizing a qualified interpreter and the legal implications of using an unqualified interpreter.
Myriam Peereboom, MBA/MHA, CMI, CHITM
10/9/2019 3:30:00 PM
Workplace Safety: Creating a Culture of Care and Respect - P. Perryman and C. Capp -20241106
In this webinar, Paul Perryman, MSN, MS, RN, NE-BC and Catherine Capp, MSN, RN, ANP-BC aims to define workplace violence and its impact in the healthcare setting. During this session, regulatory standards to address workplace violence will be reviewed as well as proactive strategies to reduce the risk of workplace violence and raise awareness on the incidence of workplace violence in the hospital setting.
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
11/6/2024 4:00:00 PM
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