End-of-Life Care Options for Patients with Cancer - C. Kistler - 20171127
This presentation discusses the end-of-life care options that are available to patients experiencing cancer. The presenter also discuss resources that are available to family members during the cancer journey. Lecture Objectives: -Distinguish between the palliative care and hospice care services that are available to cancer patients. -Define the providers, admittance requirements, care structure, and expense coverage available for palliative and hospice care services. -Discuss the importance of collaboration and teamwork to enhance quality of end-of-life care for cancer patients. -Identify resources that are available to patients and families to learn more about palliative and hospice care services. This lecture is part of the North Carolina Community College Lecture Series.
Christine Kistler MD, MASc
11/27/2017 5:30:00 PM

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