Channel - The UNC LCCC Oncology Clinical Trials Course 2021
6/25/2022 8:04:16 AM

Channel Videos

Barriers to Accrual and Patient Advocacy - P. Spears and M. Charlot - 20211110
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
11/10/2021 8:45:00 PM

Clinical Trial Operations - C. Tew, M. O'Dwyer, S. Scott, S. Belanger and T. Cummings - 20211020
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
10/20/2021 7:45:00 PM

Final Session: a round table discussion about careers in clinical research and clinical trials - 20211215
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
12/15/2021 8:45:00 PM

Interventional and Correlative Trial Resources: The Translational Research Pipeline: Regulatory, Informed Consent, Sample Collection - C. Hilliard - 20210929
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
9/29/2021 7:45:00 PM

Oncology Phase I Clinical Trials: Issues and Challenge : Phase II/III Trial Design - E. C. Dees and M. Milowsky - 20210908
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
9/8/2021 7:45:00 PM

Proposing Investigator - Initiated Clinical Trials (IITs) - J. Weiss - 20211006
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
10/6/2021 7:45:00 PM

Statistics in Clinical Trials - A. Deal and A. Ivanova - 20211013
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
10/13/2021 7:45:00 PM

Working with Investigational Assay Results - K. Morrison, K. Pietrosimone, V. Bae-Jump, and L. Carey - 20211103
UNCCN Mediasite Presenter
11/3/2021 7:45:00 PM

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